吊杆Z. 杰克逊


吊杆Z. 杰克逊 is a UCS 研究员 in climate 和 energy 和 the Center for 617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐. In 2022, his UCS commentaries won first place from the Outdoor Writers Association of America 和 were a contest finalist for the National Headliners 和 the National Society of Newspaper Columnists (NSNC). In 2021, he was the Scripps Howard opinion winner 和 social justice commentary winner for NSNC.

同样在2021年, 杰克逊 won first-prize in teen nonfiction from the Independent Book Publishers Association for co-authoring 和 photographing 海雀计划 (船舷内倾的书). 前身为 波士顿环球报《617888九五至尊娱乐》, 杰克逊 is a Pulitzer Prize finalist, 和分别, 一个11入选次, 四次, 和 2-time winner from the National Association of Black Journalists, NSNC的, 和 the Education Writers Association.

He has been a photography contest finalist several times, including third place in 2020 from 观鸟 杂志. He was a 2016 Shorenstein 研究员 at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, publishing a paper on the national media’s failures in the Flint Water Crisis.

Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 杰克逊 is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. He was a Nieman 研究员 in Journalism at Harvard University. He holds three honorary degrees 和 the UW-Milwaukee Distinguished Alumni Community Service award.