Market Forces


Published Jul 28, 2011


As farmers market shoppers have long known, 直接从种植者那里购买食物是为你的餐桌增加新鲜和风味的好方法,也可以为你的饮食增加更多的水果和蔬菜.

但当地种植的食物不仅对你的味蕾有好处,还能创造就业机会, keeps money in local economies, promotes community development, 并且可以减少我们所吃食物的环境和公共健康成本.

To maximize these benefits, 我们需要新的政策,帮助地方和区域粮食系统繁荣发展, according to Market Forces这是一份新的UCS报告,回顾了最近对这些系统及其经济影响的研究. The report recommends the following policy changes:

  • Increase funding for programs that support local and regional food systems.
  • Raise the level of research on the impacts of local and regional food systems.
  • Restructure the safety net and ensure credit accessibility for local food system farmers.
  • Foster local capacity to help implement local and regional food system plans.
  • Support the realization of farmers market certification standards.

A fast-growing alternative

Local and regional food systems have expanded dramatically in recent years. 2011年的农贸市场数量是1970年的20倍, 几十年来,社区支持农业(CSA)的数量已经增长到4个以上,000, according to one estimate highlighted in the report.

Other kinds of local and regional food systems experiencing rapid growth include farm-to-school and other institutional direct marketing operations; food hubs, which coordinate the marketing of locally grown food from farmers to wholesale and retail customers; and farm-based outlets such as roadside stands and U-pick operations.

Nourishing regional economies

As they grow, 地方和区域粮食系统为其服务的地区创造了就业机会并提高了收入, 随着农民增加投入和设备支出以满足不断增长的需求,保持消费者在当地经济中的食品美元活跃.


The benefits can be substantial: according to the report, 每年对多达500个农贸市场的适度公共支持可以创造多达13个农贸市场,500 jobs over a five-year period.

Changing buying (and eating) habits

The growth of local and regional food systems not only directly benefits local economies; it also promotes healthier eating habits. 在农贸市场购物的人往往会带着更多的水果和蔬菜回家. 扩大当地食品体系最终可能有助于减少肥胖和其他健康问题带来的医疗成本,这些问题与以加工食品为主的饮食有关.

通过直销渠道销售的食品往往相对较少加工, 因此,扩大地方和区域粮食系统也可以减少美国的环境成本.S. agriculture.

Challenges and solutions

地方和区域粮食系统的扩展面临多重挑战:地理和季节限制, logistical and marketing issues, 政策面向商品作物生产者,而不是向当地或区域市场销售各种作物的农民.

To address these challenges, Congress, the USDA, 州和地方政府需要修改其政策和资金优先事项,以促进地方和区域粮食系统, so that more communities can enjoy the abundant benefits they offer.

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